23 research outputs found

    A multi-objective possibilistic programming approach for locating distribution centers and allocating customers demands in supply chains

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    In this paper, we present a multi-objective possibilistic programming model to locate distribution centers (DCs) and allocate customers' demands in a supply chain network design (SCND) problem. The SCND problem deals with determining locations of facilities (DCs and/or plants), and also shipment quantities between each two consecutive tier of the supply chain. The primary objective of this study is to consider different risk factors which are involved in both locating DCs and shipping products as an objective function. The risk consists of various components: the risks related to each potential DC location, the risk associated with each arc connecting a plant to a DC and the risk of shipment from a DC to a customer. The proposed method of this paper considers the risk phenomenon in fuzzy forms to handle the uncertainties inherent in these factors. A possibilistic programming approach is proposed to solve the resulted multi-objective problem and a numerical example for three levels of possibility is conducted to analyze the model

    Emergency response network design for hazardous materials transportation with uncertain demand

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    Transportation of hazardous materials play an essential role on keeping a friendly environment. Every day, a substantial amount of hazardous materials (hazmats), such as flammable liquids and poisonous gases, need to be transferred prior to consumption or disposal. Such transportation may result in unsuitable events for people and environment. Emergency response network is designed for this reason where specialist responding teams resolve any issue as quickly as possible. This study proposes a new multi-objective model to locate emergency response centers for transporting the hazardous materials. Since many real-world applications are faced with uncertainty in input parameters, the proposed model of this paper also assumes that reference and demand to such centre is subject to uncertainty, where demand is fuzzy random. The resulted problem formulation is modelled as nonlinear non-convex mixed integer programming and we used NSGAII method to solve the resulted problem. The performance of the proposed model is examined with several examples using various probability distribution and they are compared with the performance of other existing method

    Índices de criticidad de equipos y mantenimiento resistivo

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    El mantenimiento óptimo de cientos de miles de equipos utilizados por cada empresa es uno de los principales desafíos de los gerentes de mantenimiento, operación y adquisiciones. La producción continua y la competencia en el entorno empresarial y las limitaciones de recursos requieren que los equipos vitales de cada empresa deben ser controlados, monitoreados y considerados. Para hacer esto, es necesario identificar equipos críticos y esenciales. En este trabajo, se definió una fórmula mediante encuestas de campo y preferencias de 75 expertos y gerentes de la industria petroquímica para determinar el índice de sensibilidad de los equipos. Las opiniones de los expertos extrajeron diez características convincentes para determinar la sensibilidad del equipo, y el coeficiente de ponderación de cada uno se obtuvo utilizando el método de toma de decisiones grupales, Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica. La introducción de la fórmula del índice de mantenimiento resistivo representa la capacidad de utilizar las fortalezas y oportunidades y la sostenibilidad y resistencia contra debilidades y amenazas. La fórmula original tiene cinco subindicadores que consisten en la efectividad de los equipos, la efectividad de la mano de obra, la eficiencia de costos, el grado de endogeneidad, la extraversión y exogeneidad, y la tasa de eventos de salud, seguridad y ambientales. Desde la perspectiva de 64 especialistas, se utilizó el método de toma de decisiones grupales y la matriz de comparación pareada para determinar su coeficiente de ponderació

    A Novel Model for the Analysis of Interactions Between Governments and Agricultures in a Study of Social Beneficial Externalities Based on the Stackelberg Game: A Case Study on Cotton Production

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    Production is a key economic activity with potential long-term social benefits that can be thoroughly realised only if governments comply with their duties towards domestic production. Governments are responsible for the production of sustainable agricultural products via appropriate allocation of subsidies and regulation of price policies that would help take advantage of the potentials underlying agricultural production. In this paper, a model is developed to investigate the interaction between two decision makers in the stackelberg game, government as leader and agriculture as follower, with the ultimate aim of providing benefits to all sectors in the society in the sustainable agriculture paradigm. The proposed model is validated and its efficiency demonstrated via a case study of cotton production as a strategic agricultural production. The model is first solved using a combination of fuzzy mathematical and grey quadratic programming methods to account for the inherent uncertainty in a number of problem parameters. The model is then analyzed against various government-producer interaction scenarios and finally, the analysis results are compared

    Shahanaghi, Kamran

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    Developing a Robust Strategy Map in Balanced Scorecard Model Using Scenario Planning

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    The key to successful strategy implementation in an organization is for people in the organization to understand it, which requires the establishment of complicated but vital processes whereby the intangible assets are converted into tangible outputs. In this regard, a strategy map is a useful tool that helps execute this difficult task. However, such maps are typically developed based on ambiguous cause-effect relationships that result from the extrapolation of past data and flawed links with possible futures. However, if the strategy map is a mere reflection of the status quo but not future conditions and does not embrace real-world uncertainties, it will endanger the organization since it posits that the current situation will continue. In order to compensate for this deficiency, the environmental scenarios affecting an organization were identified in the present study. Then the strategy map was developed in the form of a scenario-based balanced scorecard. Besides, the effect of environmental changes on the components of the strategy map was investigated using the strategy maps illustrated over time together with the corresponding cash flow vectors. Subsequently, a method was proposed to calculate the degree of robustness of every component of the strategy map for the contingency of every scenario. Finally, the results were applied to a post office

    A robust optimization model for logistics planning in the earthquake response phase

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    In this paper, a robust bi-level model is proposed to optimize decisions related to distribution and evacuation aid after earthquake. Usually in disastrous situation foreign countries help the affected country by sending relief commodities. In this problem, the foreign countries try to minimize their shipping costs and the affected country seeks to minimize its total costs which include inventory, operation, and transportation expenses. This situation is a game between different decision makers after a catastrophic disaster. To deal with this situation, a bi-level model is proposed in which the affected country is the leader and suppliers are the followers. To validate the proposed robust model, we consider Tehran probable earthquake in region 1 as a case study. Then the advantages of using bi-level modeling against considering just one player's point of view is provided. The sensitivity analysis of the experiments are presented to explore the effects of various parameters to show managerial insights that can guide DMs under a variety of conditions